This page is about a previous edition of pgDay Paris. For the current edition, click here.

Our Sponsors

pgDay Paris wouldn't be possible without support from our generous sponsors. Thank you all very much!


Crunchy Data

Crunchy Data allows companies to build with confidence as the leading provider of trusted, open source PostgreSQL and enterprise technology, support and training.


Dalibo has been the leading PostgreSQL company in France since 2005. Dalibo is a cooperative business owned by its workers, who can spend up to 20% of their time working in community activities.


EDB offre des logiciels et services haut de gamme pour exploiter la puissance de Postgres, la principale base de données open source, avec haute disponibilité et support mondial 24/7.

CYBERTEC PostgreSQL International GmbH

Founded in 2000, CYBERTEC was one of the first companies worldwide to specialize entirely in PostgreSQL. As an all-in-one IT service provider, we offer a wide range of products and services.


LOXODATA provides first-class PostgreSQL assistance through consultancy, training and 24/7 support.
LOXODATA vous accompagne au quotidien dans l’utilisation de PostgreSQL : Support, Conseil, Formation.


Clever Cloud
Fujitsu Enterprise Postgres
Data Bene

The pgDay Paris organizers would like to extend our sincere gratitude to all our sponsors for their support not only of the conference but of the greater PostgreSQL community.

Thank you!